Consulting and Industry

Understanding the Economy

Price: $79.00 - Hours: 8

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Identity Theft and Protection

Price: $39.00 - Hours: 4

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Management Handbook

Price: $79.00 - Hours: 8

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Marketing - Mastering the Process

Price: $119.00 - Hours: 12

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Modern Supervision

Price: $99.00 - Hours: 10

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A Complete Guide To Investing

Price: $129.00 - Hours: 13

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Analyzing Cost Data

Price: $99.00 - Hours: 9

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Climate Change Accounting

Price: $99.00 - Hours: 4

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Social Media Marketing

Price: $79.00 - Hours: 8

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Economic Indicators

Price: $129.00 - Hours: 17

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Course # Title Hrs Price
25-TIMEV Time Value of Money and its Applications 3 $29.00
25-SEXHAR Sexual Harassment Awareness (Illinois Law) 1 $14.95
25-ECOMM E-Commerce: Applications for Cyberspace Technology 8 $79.00
24-ECON Understanding the Economy 8 $79.00
24-ITHEFT Identity Theft and Protection 4 $39.00
24-FCT Financial Concepts & Tools for Business Managers 6 $59.00
24-NONP Financial Essentials for Not-For-Profit Managers 12 $119.00
24-FORE Financial Forecasting: Tools & Applications 8 $79.00
24-COMMRE Guide to Commercial Real Estate & Finance 9 $89.00
24-SMBUS How to Organize and Run a Small Business 8 $79.00
24-MHAND Management Handbook 8 $79.00
24-MCF Managing and Improving Your Cash Flow 7 $69.00
24-MKT Marketing - Mastering the Process 12 $119.00
24-MODSUP Modern Supervision 10 $99.00
24-PFP Personal Financial Planning for Accountants 18 $179.00
24-MBA The Pocket MBA: Concepts & Strategies 13 $129.00
24-MERGERS A-Practical Guide to Mergers Acquisitions and Divestitures 6 $59.00
24-PM Project Management: A Financial Perspective 9 $89.00
24-REACC Real Estate Accounting and Mathematics 3 $29.00
24-REFIN Real Estate Financing and Investment 4 $39.00
24-SM Strategic Management: Concepts & Tools 11 $119.00
24-MOD Techniques of Financial Analysis Forecasting and Modeling 13 $169.00
24-BALSCORE The Balanced Scorecard: Strategic-Based Control 2 $19.95
24-HR Understanding and Managing Organizational Behavior 14 $139.00
24-VAL Valuations Businesses Securities and Real Estate 3 $39.00
24-BPDR 101 Business Problems: Diagnosis and Remedy 12 $109.00
24-INVEST A Complete Guide To Investing 13 $129.00
24-FM Accountant's Guide to Financial Management 15 $159.00
24-RETAIL Accountant's Guide to Retail Management 13 $119.00
24-AFANAL Accounting and Finance for Business Analysis 15 $129.00
24-ACCMGT Accounting for Management: Concepts and Tools 8 $109.00
24-CFO Accounting Tools & Metrics for the CFO 16 $169.00
24-COST Analyzing Cost Data 9 $99.00
24-BUD Modern Budgeting for Profit Planning & Control 11 $109.00
24-BBE Basic Business Essentials: Concepts & Tools 8 $79.00
24-BUSLAW Business Law - The Legal Environments of Business 12 $109.00
24-BUSMATH Complete Business Math for Accountants 17 $169.00
24-FM-MNC Controller's Guide to Multinational Financial Management 14 $149.00
24-COMPSEC Computer Security: Preventing Computer Crimes 10 $119.00
24-STRAT Economic Analysis for Business and Strategic Decisions 11 $119.00
22-SOX The Sarbanes-Oxley Act and Corporate Governance 6 $99.00
22-CLIMATE Climate Change Accounting 4 $99.00
22-SOCMEDIA Social Media Marketing 8 $79.00
22-FINMKT Financial Markets: A Comprehensive Overview 20 $149.00
22-ECONIND Economic Indicators 17 $129.00
22-DERIV Derivatives & Hedging for Accountants 10 $99.00
subsc-2yr 2-Years Unlimited CPE - All Self-Study Courses ($139 per yr) 2000 $278.00
subsc-1yr 1-Year Unlimited CPE - All Self-Study Courses 2000 $169.00