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Economic Analysis for Business and Strategic DecisionsCode: 24-STRAT
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Course Details
309 Pages
This course provides a clear and concise introduction to managerial economics. The course managerial economics is offered in a variety of titles including business economics, economic analysis for business decisions, economics for management decisions, etc. at both the undergraduate and graduate levels.
It focuses on the fundamentals and essentials needed to understand how business decisions are made and tackled using economics and other quantitative tools. It illustrates decisions with many solved problems to test and help students reinforce their understanding of the subject. Further, many business professionals can benefit from this course. The reader is assumed to have done some introductory-level work in economics. A minimal amount of background in college-level math and statistics is also expected.
This course extensively and intensively shows the application of economic theory and concepts to real-life business decisions. It consists of questions and problems along with their answers and suggested solutions.
Major Subjects:
- The Fundamentals of Managerial Economics
- Optimization Techniques
- Market Forces: Demand and Supply
- Quantitative Demand Analysis
- Economic and Business Forecasting
- Theory of Production
- Multiple Product Planning and Linear Programming
- Cost: theory and Analysis
- Markets and the Behavior of the Firm
- Pricing and Profit Strategy
- Long -Term Investment Decisions (Capital Budgeting)
- Risk in Project Analysis
- A Manager's Guide to Government in the Market Place
Presentation Method: QAS Self-Study
Category: Economics
CPE credit: 11 Hours
Program Level: Update
Prerequisites: None
Advance Preparation: None
Exam expiration date: Participants must submit exams for grading within one year from the date of purchase