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Auditing - Fraud InvestigatingCode: 24-FRAUDINV
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Course Details
57 pages
Course description and objectives:
Learning Objectives
At the end of this course, students will be able to:
• Identify the three types of fraud.
• Identify the SAS that provides guidance to auditors in assessing the risk of fraud
• Recognize the three elements identified by the AICPA to prevent, deter, and detect fraud.
• Recognize who is responsible for identifying and measuring fraud risks and taking steps to
mitigate identified risks.
• Identify the procedures to address the risk of management overriding internal controls that are
otherwise operating effectively.
• Recognize the characteristics of different types of fraud.
Presentation Method: Self-Study
Category: Auditing
CPE credit: 2 Hours
Program Level: Update
Prerequisites: None
Advance Preparation: None
Exam expiration date: Participants must submit exams for grading within one year from the date of purchase