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Ethics for Washington CPAs 2025Code: 26-EWA
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Course Details
108 pages
Objective: This is an ethics and regulations course for Washington CPAs covering standards of professional conduct and business practices adhered to by accountants such as CPAs in order to enhance their profession and maximize idealism, justice and fairness when dealing with the public, clients and other members of their profession. It also presents an approach ‐‐the threats and safeguards approach –to coping with ethical
dilemmas. Also included are some cases of AICPA ethics violations.
Chapter 3 coversthe specific WashingtonPublic Accountancy Act and the Board's rules and policies, the profession's Code of Conduct (Code), and the differences between Washington State law and the AICPA Code. After completing this course, participants will have an understanding of the laws and regulations in Washington State governing accountancy, where to access those laws and regulations, and an understanding of the scope and nature of those laws and requirements.
Approved by the Washington State Board of Accountancy as meeting the minimum requirements of WAC 4-30-134(6) which requires four CPE hours in the subject area of Professional ethics and regulations with specific application to the practice of public accounting in Washington State.
Presentation Method: QAS
Category: Regulatory Ethics
CPE credit: 4 Hours (approved by the Washington State Board)
Program Level: Update
Prerequisites: None
Advance Preparation: None
Exam expiration date: Participants must submit exams for grading within one year from the date of purchase