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Auditing DevelopmentsCode: 25-AUD
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Course Details
409 pages
The objective of this course is to address the latest developments affecting 2020 and 2021 audit engagements, including the impact of COVID-19 on audit engagements.
Topics include: addressing the auditor's consideration of the business and economic environment in which the client operates; accounting and auditing engagement issues during COVID-19 including the impact of the pandemic on an entity's ability to continue as a going-concern; client and employee fraud; specific accounting risks for auditors to consider; limiting auditor's liability; key audit focus areas during volatile times; lessons from litigation; efficiency engagements to reduce auditor time; various practice issues related to audits; dealing with DOL audits of employee benefit plans and more.
Additionally, in this course, auditors will learn about the new auditor's report, auditing estimates and audit evidence guidance found in SAS Nos. 134-143, and the new attestation standards found in SSAE Nos. 19-22.
The course focuses on recalling, recognizing and identifying rules related to auditing standards including new developments pertaining to those standards.
To review a variety of auditing developments affecting the profession including audit risk alerts.
Delivery Method: Self-Study
Category: Auditing
CPE credit: 16 Hours
Program Level: Update
Prerequisites: None
Advance Preparation: None
Exam expiration date: Participants must submit exams for grading within one year from the date of purchase